18 research outputs found

    Statistical Depth for Ranking and Characterizing Transformer-Based Text Embeddings

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    The popularity of transformer-based text embeddings calls for better statistical tools for measuring distributions of such embeddings. One such tool would be a method for ranking texts within a corpus by centrality, i.e. assigning each text a number signifying how representative that text is of the corpus as a whole. However, an intrinsic center-outward ordering of high-dimensional text representations is not trivial. A statistical depth is a function for ranking k-dimensional objects by measuring centrality with respect to some observed k-dimensional distribution. We adopt a statistical depth to measure distributions of transformer-based text embeddings, transformer-based text embedding (TTE) depth, and introduce the practical use of this depth for both modeling and distributional inference in NLP pipelines. We first define TTE depth and an associated rank sum test for determining whether two corpora differ significantly in embedding space. We then use TTE depth for the task of in-context learning prompt selection, showing that this approach reliably improves performance over statistical baseline approaches across six text classification tasks. Finally, we use TTE depth and the associated rank sum test to characterize the distributions of synthesized and human-generated corpora, showing that five recent synthetic data augmentation processes cause a measurable distributional shift away from associated human-generated text

    Chain-of-Thought Embeddings for Stance Detection on Social Media

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    Stance detection on social media is challenging for Large Language Models (LLMs), as emerging slang and colloquial language in online conversations often contain deeply implicit stance labels. Chain-of-Thought (COT) prompting has recently been shown to improve performance on stance detection tasks -- alleviating some of these issues. However, COT prompting still struggles with implicit stance identification. This challenge arises because many samples are initially challenging to comprehend before a model becomes familiar with the slang and evolving knowledge related to different topics, all of which need to be acquired through the training data. In this study, we address this problem by introducing COT Embeddings which improve COT performance on stance detection tasks by embedding COT reasonings and integrating them into a traditional RoBERTa-based stance detection pipeline. Our analysis demonstrates that 1) text encoders can leverage COT reasonings with minor errors or hallucinations that would otherwise distort the COT output label. 2) Text encoders can overlook misleading COT reasoning when a sample's prediction heavily depends on domain-specific patterns. Our model achieves SOTA performance on multiple stance detection datasets collected from social media.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP-2023, 8 page

    Scope of Pre-trained Language Models for Detecting Conflicting Health Information

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    An increasing number of people now rely on online platforms to meet their health information needs. Thus identifying inconsistent or conflicting textual health information has become a safety-critical task. Health advice data poses a unique challenge where information that is accurate in the context of one diagnosis can be conflicting in the context of another. For example, people suffering from diabetes and hypertension often receive conflicting health advice on diet. This motivates the need for technologies which can provide contextualized, user-specific health advice. A crucial step towards contextualized advice is the ability to compare health advice statements and detect if and how they are conflicting. This is the task of health conflict detection (HCD). Given two pieces of health advice, the goal of HCD is to detect and categorize the type of conflict. It is a challenging task, as (i) automatically identifying and categorizing conflicts requires a deeper understanding of the semantics of the text, and (ii) the amount of available data is quite limited. In this study, we are the first to explore HCD in the context of pre-trained language models. We find that DeBERTa-v3 performs best with a mean F1 score of 0.68 across all experiments. We additionally investigate the challenges posed by different conflict types and how synthetic data improves a model's understanding of conflict-specific semantics. Finally, we highlight the difficulty in collecting real health conflicts and propose a human-in-the-loop synthetic data augmentation approach to expand existing HCD datasets. Our HCD training dataset is over 2x bigger than the existing HCD dataset and is made publicly available on Github

    HealthE: Classifying Entities in Online Textual Health Advice

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    The processing of entities in natural language is essential to many medical NLP systems. Unfortunately, existing datasets vastly under-represent the entities required to model public health relevant texts such as health advice often found on sites like WebMD. People rely on such information for personal health management and clinically relevant decision making. In this work, we release a new annotated dataset, HealthE, consisting of 6,756 health advice. HealthE has a more granular label space compared to existing medical NER corpora and contains annotation for diverse health phrases. Additionally, we introduce a new health entity classification model, EP S-BERT, which leverages textual context patterns in the classification of entity classes. EP S-BERT provides a 4-point increase in F1 score over the nearest baseline and a 34-point increase in F1 when compared to off-the-shelf medical NER tools trained to extract disease and medication mentions from clinical texts. All code and data are publicly available on Github

    Theme-driven Keyphrase Extraction to Analyze Social Media Discourse

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    Social media platforms are vital resources for sharing self-reported health experiences, offering rich data on various health topics. Despite advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) enabling large-scale social media data analysis, a gap remains in applying keyphrase extraction to health-related content. Keyphrase extraction is used to identify salient concepts in social media discourse without being constrained by predefined entity classes. This paper introduces a theme-driven keyphrase extraction framework tailored for social media, a pioneering approach designed to capture clinically relevant keyphrases from user-generated health texts. Themes are defined as broad categories determined by the objectives of the extraction task. We formulate this novel task of theme-driven keyphrase extraction and demonstrate its potential for efficiently mining social media text for the use case of treatment for opioid use disorder. This paper leverages qualitative and quantitative analysis to demonstrate the feasibility of extracting actionable insights from social media data and efficiently extracting keyphrases using minimally supervised NLP models. Our contributions include the development of a novel data collection and curation framework for theme-driven keyphrase extraction and the creation of MOUD-Keyphrase, the first dataset of its kind comprising human-annotated keyphrases from a Reddit community. We also identify the scope of minimally supervised NLP models to extract keyphrases from social media data efficiently. Lastly, we found that a large language model (ChatGPT) outperforms unsupervised keyphrase extraction models, and we evaluate its efficacy in this task.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ICWSM. This version represents a substantial expansion and refocus of the previous manuscript, including new experiments, expanded data analysis, and comprehensive discussion

    Text Encoders Lack Knowledge: Leveraging Generative LLMs for Domain-Specific Semantic Textual Similarity

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    Amidst the sharp rise in the evaluation of large language models (LLMs) on various tasks, we find that semantic textual similarity (STS) has been under-explored. In this study, we show that STS can be cast as a text generation problem while maintaining strong performance on multiple STS benchmarks. Additionally, we show generative LLMs significantly outperform existing encoder-based STS models when characterizing the semantic similarity between two texts with complex semantic relationships dependent on world knowledge. We validate this claim by evaluating both generative LLMs and existing encoder-based STS models on three newly collected STS challenge sets which require world knowledge in the domains of Health, Politics, and Sports. All newly collected data is sourced from social media content posted after May 2023 to ensure the performance of closed-source models like ChatGPT cannot be credited to memorization. Our results show that, on average, generative LLMs outperform the best encoder-only baselines by an average of 22.3% on STS tasks requiring world knowledge. Our results suggest generative language models with STS-specific prompting strategies achieve state-of-the-art performance in complex, domain-specific STS tasks.Comment: Under review GEM@EMNLP-2023, 12 page

    CitySpec with Shield: A Secure Intelligent Assistant for Requirement Formalization

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    An increasing number of monitoring systems have been developed in smart cities to ensure that the real-time operations of a city satisfy safety and performance requirements. However, many existing city requirements are written in English with missing, inaccurate, or ambiguous information. There is a high demand for assisting city policymakers in converting human-specified requirements to machine-understandable formal specifications for monitoring systems. To tackle this limitation, we build CitySpec, the first intelligent assistant system for requirement specification in smart cities. To create CitySpec, we first collect over 1,500 real-world city requirements across different domains (e.g., transportation and energy) from over 100 cities and extract city-specific knowledge to generate a dataset of city vocabulary with 3,061 words. We also build a translation model and enhance it through requirement synthesis and develop a novel online learning framework with shielded validation. The evaluation results on real-world city requirements show that CitySpec increases the sentence-level accuracy of requirement specification from 59.02% to 86.64%, and has strong adaptability to a new city and a new domain (e.g., the F1 score for requirements in Seattle increases from 77.6% to 93.75% with online learning). After the enhancement from the shield function, CitySpec is now immune to most known textual adversarial inputs (e.g., the attack success rate of DeepWordBug after the shield function is reduced to 0% from 82.73%). We test the CitySpec with 18 participants from different domains. CitySpec shows its strong usability and adaptability to different domains, and also its robustness to malicious inputs.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0313

    The Scope of In-Context Learning for the Extraction of Medical Temporal Constraints

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    Medications often impose temporal constraints on everyday patient activity. Violations of such medical temporal constraints (MTCs) lead to a lack of treatment adherence, in addition to poor health outcomes and increased healthcare expenses. These MTCs are found in drug usage guidelines (DUGs) in both patient education materials and clinical texts. Computationally representing MTCs in DUGs will advance patient-centric healthcare applications by helping to define safe patient activity patterns. We define a novel taxonomy of MTCs found in DUGs and develop a novel context-free grammar (CFG) based model to computationally represent MTCs from unstructured DUGs. Additionally, we release three new datasets with a combined total of N = 836 DUGs labeled with normalized MTCs. We develop an in-context learning (ICL) solution for automatically extracting and normalizing MTCs found in DUGs, achieving an average F1 score of 0.62 across all datasets. Finally, we rigorously investigate ICL model performance against a baseline model, across datasets and MTC types, and through in-depth error analysis

    Characterizing Information Seeking Events in Health-Related Social Discourse

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    Social media sites have become a popular platform for individuals to seek and share health information. Despite the progress in natural language processing for social media mining, a gap remains in analyzing health-related texts on social discourse in the context of events. Event-driven analysis can offer insights into different facets of healthcare at an individual and collective level, including treatment options, misconceptions, knowledge gaps, etc. This paper presents a paradigm to characterize health-related information-seeking in social discourse through the lens of events. Events here are board categories defined with domain experts that capture the trajectory of the treatment/medication. To illustrate the value of this approach, we analyze Reddit posts regarding medications for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), a critical global health concern. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to define event categories for characterizing information-seeking in OUD social discourse. Guided by domain experts, we develop TREAT-ISE, a novel multilabel treatment information-seeking event dataset to analyze online discourse on an event-based framework. This dataset contains Reddit posts on information-seeking events related to recovery from OUD, where each post is annotated based on the type of events. We also establish a strong performance benchmark (77.4% F1 score) for the task by employing several machine learning and deep learning classifiers. Finally, we thoroughly investigate the performance and errors of ChatGPT on this task, providing valuable insights into the LLM's capabilities and ongoing characterization efforts.Comment: Under review AAAI-2024. 10 pages, 6 tables, 2 figue